Rethinking the G.O.P.

The following two open letters, accompanied by a video, extend a cordial invitation to the Republican Party to engage with the concept of the Age of Creation. These communications are designed to usher in the Era of Reevaluation, a pivotal moment requiring our collective focus to address significant challenges and reassess our core values, ensuring our nation thrives within a constitutional republic framework. In this, I, Pedro Dominguez, purpose the creation of a provisional Constitution for a hypothetical entity: the Digital States of America. This contemporary constitution aims to echo the foundational principles of our original governing documents while emphasizing data rights and endorsing a decentralized structure. This structure would support states willing to join this innovative union, particularly highlighting the importance of integrating artificial intelligence and a decentralized cryptocurrency, Monero. Monero represents a significant step towards achieving the closest equivalent to cash within a cryptocurrency network, offering unparalleled privacy and security for citizens of the Digital States of America. Please note, this framework is conceptual and initiating the Digital States of America within the hypergrid necessitates extensive collaboration and development.

The Following letters were composed in 2023

Thumbnail image for An Open Letter PDF by Pedro M. Dominguez
Open Letter 1 (PDF) by Pedro M. Dominguez
Thumbnail image for An Open Letter PDF by Pedro M. Dominguez
Open Letter 2 (PDF) by Pedro M. Dominguez

The following video will better explain in what moment in time of the space time continuum we currently find ourselves in.

It's time for us to rethink humanity